L34 - English conversation workshops

Atelier de 12 x 1h30 : 80€ limité à 14 personnes COMPLET


01-oct / 15-oct / 12-nov / 26-nov / 10-déc / 07-janv / 21-janv (19h-20h30) / 04-févr / 18-févr / 18-mars / 01-avr / 15-avr

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Salle de réunion de la cure
Place de l'Abbé Perrin (bâtiment à droite de l'église)

Description :

Prérequis: bonne connaissance de l’anglais oral.

These conversation workshops are aimed at those who already have a good knowledge of the English language, who wish to discover or learn more about the different aspects of culture in the English-speaking world as well as discuss current affairs and topics related to everyday life. Some grammar and vocabulary points will be covered, but the aim is to be able to participate in a conversation in English as easily as possible.
Active participation is required, and the involvement of each participant is essential to the dynamics of the group, both to communicate and to exchange ideas. The participants must be able to express their own opinions and to speak on a variety of subjects.

English Teacher

L33 english